This weeks goal is to procedure as many of the images captures on the site visit.
- Making sure all the textures tessellate
- Making textures even squares
- Making bumpmaps
All the components modelled by me include:
Tower - comprises of timber, metal, rusted metal.
As well it is also my role to produce textures for other objects presented in the
Coated Metal
Rusted Metal
Rusted Metal
Moss on Rocks
Muddy leaves and rock ground
Some images were photographed on site some were researched.
texture references acessed 29/04/14Bark - Bark Decidious0194 Jonas De RoBark02 - Bark Decidious0143 Jonas De RoBark03 - Bark Decidious0175 Jonas De RoBark04 - Bark Decidious0083 Mahesh HollaMetal - Galvanized0022 CGTexturesMetal - MetalBare0132 CGTextures