Critical Commentary Week 6 // Communication

Communication #1
Anthony, Lorrain, Lauren, Ben, Baz & Theodore
(Gothic Architecture)
- Very well structured and thorough
- Although i found that there is too much text on the prezi slides
- Maybe if there weer less text, because I couldn't not be bothered reading all the text
- All content is relevant
- Prezi makes me nauseousness
- Explaining the different type of communication - very well edited and filmed
- Mixtures of Different Media
- grant was spelt wrong

Overall : Video was entertaining as well as informative // Though too much text on slides

Communication #2
Anthony & Marina
(The Last Suprematist)
- Video was cute (using the same handwritten titles as my group did)
- The video was informative but a little too informative
- too much text on both video and presentation 
- explaining the different types of communication 
- volume on the video was very low

Overall : Video and presentation was very thorough // although it was very informative it was bland 

Communication #3
Daniel, Kerre, Darren, Anthony & Martha
(Bus stop of the future)
- Interesting Graphics
- Colourful mind maps and images looks nice and each catch - making me want to concentrate
- Video is fun and interesting - showing all the components from laser cutting fabrication from the vectors files all the way to the finished product of the finished laser cut model
- Renders and walk throughs make it very interest and gives a future insight to what it really looked like

Overall: the presentation showed a lot of good and bad results of communication and how to resolve any issues // it was very content heavy, too much infomation

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